Thursday, October 06, 2005

Monday, October 03, 2005

Nicer parser notation

Continuing our parser improvements, we can follow Dominus's lead and use operator overloading to cut down the syntactical clutter:

Operators added to Parser

 public static Parser operator -(Parser a, Parser b)
   return new Concatenate(a, b);

 public static Parser operator |(Parser a, Parser b)
   return new Alternate(a, b);

 public static Parser operator >(Parser p, ValuesTransform map)
   return new T(p, map);

 // C# forces us to overload < and > in pairs
 public static Parser operator <(Parser p, ValuesTransform map)
   return new T(p, map);

Add a few more static helpers, and we have the following much nicer looking generator.

 static Parser MakeParser()
   ParserStub exprstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetExpression));
   ParserStub termstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetTerm));
   ParserStub factstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetFactor));

   expression =
     termstub - _(Tokens.Operator, "+") - exprstub > TOpFirst |

   term =
     factstub - _(Tokens.Operator, "*") - termstub > TOpFirst |

   Parser open  = _(Tokens.Operator, "(");
   Parser close = _(Tokens.Operator, ")");
   Parser comma = _(Tokens.Operator, ",");

   Parser arglist =
     open - exprstub - new Star(comma - exprstub) - close;

   factor =
     _(Tokens.Identifier) - (arglist | new Nothing()) > TTagVarOrFunction |
     open - exprstub - close > TStripParens |

   return exprstub - new EndOfInput() > TOnlyExpression;

In Higher-Order Perl, Dominus overloads right-shift to generate a transformation instead of greater-than as above, but C# requires the second operand of >> to be an int. Note also that C# requires overloading both the less-than and greater-than operators if either is defined.

Using binary operators changes the structure of the AST. This has the effect of beating OpFirst with an ugly stick:

 static private ArrayList OpFirst(ArrayList values)
   ArrayList result = new ArrayList(3);
   result.Add(((ArrayList)values[0])[1]);  // ugh
   return result;

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Poor Shula decision hurts Tide again

Alabama came up huge against Florida, only to have the great victory spoiled by a terrible injury to the gifted Tyrone Prothro.

Reminding us of Shula's stupid decision last year to leave Brodie Croyle in with a big lead over Western Carolina, which resulted in losing Croyle to a season-ending knee injury, now we've lost Prothro for the rest of the way. We had no business throwing at the end zone with the starters in the fourth quarter. You play more conservatively with a big lead because Tide tradition is winning with class -- we aren't out to embarrass other teams -- and so you don't risk injuries!

What a shame that Tyrone Prothro paid the price for Mike Shula's low-class move!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Extending the expression parser

Earlier, I wrote about a C# parser for simple expressions. To see that I'm not just poormouthing, consider a couple of apparently simple examples that are beyond its reach:

  • f(1)+a+b+m(x,y)
  • ff(d)+a+b+mm(x,y)

If we write down an equivalent EBNF grammar, the sources of the limitations are clear:

  <entire input> ::= <expression> <end of input>
  <expression>   ::= <term> + <expression> | <term>
  <term>         ::= <factor> * <term> | <factor>
  <factor>       ::= IDENTIFIER [ ( <expression> ) ]
                   | ( <expression> )

Note that the grammar doesn't recognize integers as factors, only handles multiplication and addition, and only handles functions of one argument!

The good news is that these problems are easy to remedy. First, we need to teach the parser that commas are operators:

Lexer l = new Lexer(
  new Token(Tokens.Terminator, @";\n*|\n+"),
  new Token(Tokens.Integer,    @"\b\d+\b"),
  new Token(Tokens.Identifier, @"[A-Za-z_]\w*"),
  new Token(Tokens.Operator,   @"\*\*|[-=+*/(),]"),
  new Token(Tokens.Whitespace, @"\s+", Lexer.Ignore));

To recognize literal integers as factors and parse functions of arbitrarily many arguments, we adjust factor:

  Parser open  = new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, "(");
  Parser close = new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, ")");
  Parser comma = new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, ",");

  Parser arglist = new Concatenate(
      exprstub, new Star(new Concatenate(comma, exprstub)),

  factor = new Alternate(
      new T(
          new Concatenate(
              new LookFor(Tokens.Identifier),
              new Alternate(arglist, new Nothing())),
          new ValuesTransform(TagVarOrFunction)),
      new T(new Concatenate(open, exprstub, close),
            new ValuesTransform(StripParens)),
      new LookFor(Tokens.Integer));

If you don't care about operator precedence, you might do away with the term/factor distinction to make adding subtraction, division, exponentiation, and other operators trivial.

With these changes, the parser can now handle the examples above and relative doozies such as f1(f2(a,b), f3(f4(x,y,z))).

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Simple expression parser in C#

In microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp, Holger Kasten asked how to extract variables and functions from an expression.

The followups suggested trying various regular expressions, and this approach is often good enough, especially for one-off utilities. It's always important to remember, however, that regular expressions -- even with their many extensions that actually make them more powerful than what theoretical computer scientists call regular expressions -- are not parsers. Attempting to parse, for example, moderately sophisticated HTML using regular expressions can land you in an ugly mess.

Although likely more than what Uncle Bob had in mind when he wrote about practicing our craft through kata, as an exercise I wrote a parser for Holger's problem.

I had the benefit of standing on the shoulders of a giant. For my birthday this year, I asked my wife for a copy of Higher-Order Perl by the brilliant Mark Jason Dominus. In Chapter 8, he wrote about parsers, and I translated the Perl parser code to C#. Note: the code below is a derivative work of code from Higher-Order Perl by Mark Dominus, published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Copyright 2005 by Elsevier Inc.

Almost immediately, the task made me think of Paul Graham's "Succinctness is Power." Comparing the two implementations, you notice right away the higher syntactical overhead of the C#. Once you've appreciated their power, using a language without closures is frustrating!

Although it produces the desired result, I'm afraid I botched the translation. Uncomment the WriteLine in TagVarOrFunction, and you'll see each identifier seems to be tagged multiple times. I expected one call to TagVarOrFunction per identifier.



using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ExpressionParser
  enum Tokens
    Terminator, Integer, Identifier, Operator, Whitespace,

  class Application
    static Hashtable var  = new Hashtable();
    static Hashtable func = new Hashtable();

    static void Main(string[] args)
      SimpleInput expr = new SimpleInput("x+y+foo(z)*abc(fun(a+bbb)*y)");

      Lexer l = new Lexer(
        new Token(Tokens.Terminator, @";\n*|\n+"),
        new Token(Tokens.Integer,    @"\b\d+\b"),
        new Token(Tokens.Identifier, @"[A-Za-z_]\w*"),
        new Token(Tokens.Operator,   @"\*\*|[-=+*/()]"),
        new Token(Tokens.Whitespace, @"\s+", Lexer.Ignore));

      ParserStub exprstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetExpression));
      ParserStub termstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetTerm));
      ParserStub factstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetFactor));

      expression = new Alternate(
        new T(new Concatenate(termstub, new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, "+"), exprstub),
              new ValuesTransform(OpFirst)),

      term = new Alternate(
        new T(new Concatenate(factstub, new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, "*"), termstub),
              new ValuesTransform(OpFirst)),

      Parser open  = new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, "(");
      Parser close = new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, ")");
      Parser id    = new LookFor(Tokens.Identifier);

      factor = new Alternate(
        new T(
          new Concatenate(
            new LookFor(Tokens.Identifier),
            new Alternate(
              new Concatenate(open, exprstub, close),
              new Nothing())),
          new ValuesTransform(TagVarOrFunction)),
        new T(new Concatenate(open, exprstub, close),
              new ValuesTransform(StripParens)));

      Parser entire =
        new T(new Concatenate(exprstub, new EndOfInput()),
              new ValuesTransform(OnlyExpression));

      ParserState state = entire.Parse(l.ToStream());

      if (!state.Success)
        Console.WriteLine("Parse failed");
        string[] vars = (string[]) new ArrayList(var.Keys).ToArray(typeof(string));
        Console.WriteLine("Variables: " + String.Join(" ", vars));

        string[] funcs = (string[]) new ArrayList(func.Keys).ToArray(typeof(string));
        Console.WriteLine("Functions: " + String.Join(" ", funcs));

    static void Hop_8_4()
      SimpleInput expr = new SimpleInput("2 * (3 + 4)");
      Lexer l = new Lexer(
        new Token(Tokens.Terminator, @";\n*|\n+"),
        new Token(Tokens.Integer,    @"\b\d+\b"),
        new Token(Tokens.Identifier, @"[A-Za-z_]\w*"),
        new Token(Tokens.Operator,   @"\*\*|[-=+*/()]"),
        new Token(Tokens.Whitespace, @"\s+", Lexer.Ignore));

      ParserStub exprstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetExpression));
      ParserStub termstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetTerm));
      ParserStub factstub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetFactor));

      expression = new Alternate(
        new T(new Concatenate(termstub, new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, "+"), exprstub),
              new ValuesTransform(OpFirst)),

      term = new Alternate(
        new T(new Concatenate(factstub, new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, "*"), termstub),
              new ValuesTransform(OpFirst)),

      factor = new Alternate(
        new LookFor(Tokens.Integer),
        new T(new Concatenate(new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, "("), exprstub, new LookFor(Tokens.Operator, ")")),
              new ValuesTransform(StripParens)));

      Parser entire =
        new T(new Concatenate(exprstub, new EndOfInput()),
              new ValuesTransform(OnlyExpression));

      ParserState state = entire.Parse(l.ToStream());

    static private Parser expression;
    static private Parser GetExpression() { return expression; }

    static private Parser term;
    static private Parser GetTerm() { return term; }

    static private Parser factor;
    static private Parser GetFactor() { return factor; }

    static private ArrayList OnlyExpression(ArrayList values)
      ArrayList result = new ArrayList(1);
      return result;

    static private ArrayList StripParens(ArrayList values)
      ArrayList result = new ArrayList(1);
      return result;

    static private ArrayList OpFirst(ArrayList values)
      ArrayList result = new ArrayList(3);
      return result;

    static private ArrayList TagVarOrFunction(ArrayList values)
      //Console.WriteLine("tag called: values[0] = '" + values[0] + "'; values.Count = " + values.Count);
      ArrayList result = new ArrayList();

      if (values.Count == 1)
        var[values[0]] = null;
        func[values[0]] = null;

      return result;


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ExpressionParser
  class Lexer : IEnumerator
    private IEnumerator t;

    public Lexer(IEnumerator input, params Token[] tokens)
      t = input;

      for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length; ++i)
        t = new Tokenizer(t, tokens[i]);

    public object Current
      get { return t.Current; }

    public bool MoveNext()
      return t.MoveNext();

    public void Reset()
      throw new InvalidOperationException();

    static TokenMaker ignore = new TokenMaker(Tokenizer.ignoretoken);
    public static TokenMaker Ignore
      get { return ignore; }
    public StreamNode ToStream()
      return Lexer.ToStream(this.t);

    static public StreamNode ToStream(IEnumerator input)
      object v = input.Current;

      if (v == null)
        return new StreamNode(null, null);

      PromiseMaker pm = new PromiseMaker(input);
      return new StreamNode(v, pm.Promise);

    class PromiseMaker
      private IEnumerator input;

      public PromiseMaker(IEnumerator input)
        this.input = input;

      private StreamNode MakeGood()
        if (input.MoveNext())
          return Lexer.ToStream(input);
          return null;

      public Promise Promise
        get { return new Promise(MakeGood); }

    class Tokenizer : IEnumerator
      private IEnumerator input;
      private string buf;
      private Tokens label;
      private Regex pattern;
      private TokenMaker mktoken;
      private Queue tokens;

      internal static object ignoretoken(string ignored) { return ""; }

      public Tokenizer(IEnumerator input, Token token)
        this.input = input;

        buf = "";
        tokens = new Queue();

        this.label = token.label;
        this.pattern = new Regex("(" + token.s + ")");
        this.mktoken = token.create != null ? token.create : new TokenMaker(this.MakeToken);

      private string[] Split()
        return pattern.Split(buf);

      public object Current
        get { return tokens.Peek(); }

      private void FlushBuffer(Token token)
        string[] parts = Split();

        // separator, if present

        // the lexeme we're after
        if (parts.Length > 1)


        buf = "";

      private void AppendToBuffer(object chunk)
        if (chunk != null)
          buf = buf + (string)chunk;

      private string TokenizeRemainingInput(object chunk)
        ArrayList newtoks = new ArrayList(Split());

        while (newtoks.Count > 2 || newtoks.Count > 0 && chunk != null)

          if (newtoks.Count > 0)

        if (chunk == null)
          return null;
          return String.Join("", (string[])newtoks.ToArray(typeof(string)));

      private object Shift(ArrayList a)
        object head = a[0];

        return head;

      private void MaybeEnqueue(object o)
        if (o is string && (string) o == "")


      public bool MoveNext()
        if (tokens.Count > 0)
          if (tokens.Count > 0)
            return true;

        while (tokens.Count == 0 && buf != null)
          if (!input.MoveNext())
            return false;

          object i = input.Current;

          if (i is Token)

          buf = TokenizeRemainingInput(i);

        return true;

      public void Reset()
        throw new InvalidOperationException();

      public object MakeToken(string token)
        return new Token(this.label, token);


using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace ExpressionParser
  public struct ParserState
    public readonly bool Success;
    public readonly ArrayList Values;
    public readonly StreamNode RemainingInput;

    public ParserState(ArrayList values, StreamNode rest)
      this.Values = values;
      this.RemainingInput = rest;
      this.Success = true;

    public ParserState(bool assumedFalse)
      this.Success = false;
      this.Values = null;
      this.RemainingInput = null;

    public override string ToString()
      if (Success)
        //return "[" + String.Join("][", (string[])Values.ToArray(typeof(string))) + "]";
        return ShowTree(Values, "");
        return "FAILED";

    private static string ShowTree(ArrayList tree, string indent)
      System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

      result.Append(indent + "[\n");

      foreach (object o in tree)
        if (o is ArrayList)
          result.Append(ShowTree((ArrayList) o, indent + "  "));
          result.Append(indent + "'" + o + "'\n");

      result.Append(indent + "]\n");
      return result.ToString();

  public abstract class Parser
    public abstract ParserState Parse(StreamNode input);

    // for eta-conversion
    public virtual Parser GetParser()
      return this;

    public void Trying(Parser p)
      //Console.WriteLine("trying " + p + "...");

    public ParserState Success(ArrayList values, StreamNode rest)
      ParserState success = new ParserState(values, rest);
      //Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: " + success.ToString());
      return success;

    public ParserState Failure()
      //Console.WriteLine(this + ": FAILURE");
      return new ParserState(false);

    private string name = null;
    public string Name
      get { return name; }
      set { name = value; }

    public override string ToString()
      if (Name != null)
        return Name;
        return GetType().ToString();

  class Nothing : Parser
    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      return Success(new ArrayList(), input);

    public override string ToString()
      return "Nothing";

  class EndOfInput : Parser
    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      if (input == null || input.Head == null)
        return Success(new ArrayList(), input);
        return Failure();

    public override string ToString()
      return "EndOfInput";

  class LookFor : Parser
    Tokens lookfor;
    string s;

    public LookFor(Tokens lookfor, string s)
      this.lookfor = lookfor;
      this.s = s;

    public LookFor(Tokens lookfor) : this(lookfor, null) {}

    public override string ToString()
      return "LookFor(" + lookfor + ",'" + s + "')";

    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      if (input == null)
        return Failure();

      Token t = (Token)input.Head;

      if (t.label != lookfor)
        return Failure();

      if (s != null && t.s != s)
        return Failure();

      ArrayList values = new ArrayList();

      return Success(values, input.Tail);

  class Concatenate : Parser
    private Parser[] p;

    public Concatenate(params Parser[] p)
      if (p.Length == 0)
        this.p = new Nothing[1];
        this.p = p;

    public override string ToString()
      if (Name == null)
        string[] parsers = new string[p.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < p.Length; i++)
          parsers[i] = p[i].ToString();

        return String.Join(" ", parsers);
        return base.ToString();

    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      if (p.Length == 1)
        return p[0].Parse(input);

      ArrayList values = new ArrayList();

      foreach (Parser parser in p)
        ParserState state = parser.Parse(input);
        if (!state.Success)
          return Failure();

        if (state.Values.Count <= 1)

        input = state.RemainingInput;

      return Success(values, input);

  class Alternate : Parser
    private Parser[] p;

    public Alternate(params Parser[] p)
      if (p.Length == 0)
        this.p = null;
        this.p = p;

    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      if (p == null)
        return Failure();

      foreach (Parser parser in p)
        ParserState state = parser.Parse(input);
        if (state.Success)
          return state;

      return Failure();

  class Star : Parser
    protected Parser parser;

    public Star(Parser p)
      ParserStub stub = new ParserStub(new StubToReal(GetParser));

      parser = new Alternate(new Concatenate(p, stub), new Nothing());

    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      ParserState state = parser.Parse(input);
      if (state.Success)
        return state;
        return Failure();

    public override Parser GetParser()
      return parser;

  public delegate Parser StubToReal();

  // eta-converted parser
  public class ParserStub : Parser
    StubToReal p;

    public ParserStub(StubToReal p)
      this.p = p;

    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      return p().Parse(input);
  public delegate ArrayList ValuesTransform(ArrayList values);
  public class T : Parser
    private Parser p;
    private ValuesTransform map;

    public T(Parser p, ValuesTransform map)
      this.p = p; = map;

    public override ParserState Parse(StreamNode input)
      ParserState state = p.Parse(input);

      if (state.Success)
        return Success(map(state.Values), state.RemainingInput);
        return Failure();


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

namespace ExpressionParser
  delegate object TokenMaker(string s);

  struct Token
    public readonly Tokens label;
    public readonly string s;
    public readonly TokenMaker create;

    public Token(Tokens label, string s)
      this.label = label;
      this.s = s;
      this.create = null;

    public Token(Tokens label, string s, TokenMaker create) : this(label, s)
      this.create = create;

    public override string ToString()
      return "'" + s + "' (" + label + ")";


using System;

namespace ExpressionParser
  public delegate StreamNode Promise();

  public class StreamNode
    private object head;
    private object tail;

    public StreamNode(object head, Promise tail)
      this.head = head;
      this.tail = tail;

    public object Head
      get { return head; }

    public StreamNode Tail
        if (tail is Promise)
          tail = ((Promise) tail)();

        return (StreamNode) tail;


using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace ExpressionParser
  class SimpleInput : IEnumerator
    private readonly string orig;
    private string val;
    private bool done;

    public SimpleInput(string line)
      this.orig = line;
      this.val = null;
      this.done = false;

    public void Reset() { done = false; }

    public object Current
      get { return val; }

    public bool MoveNext()
      if (!done && val == null)
        val = orig;
        return true;
        done = true;
        val = null;
        return false;

Monday, September 19, 2005

tops in my pick'em group

I was 11-8 against the spread in this weekend's Yahoo! college football pick'em. Not great (in week two, I was 14-3 against the spread), but it's enough to put me on top of my group.

Yahoo! only lets you see picks in a private group if you're a member of the group, so giving a link would be useless. I tried to make my picks part of the public group hoping to create a symlink, but instead it created a new set of picks with incompletes for weeks one through three.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Roll Tide!

Alabama 37, South Carolina 14

The Tide looked great! Before the game, I was worried because if coaching was going to be the difference, Spurrier and the Gamecocks would get the W. No, South Carolina isn't a quality opponent, but today's performance makes me cautiously optimistic that Shula finally has the team on the right track.

Now what about Georgia and their squeaker against USC? At a tailgate party at work, I picked UGA to win the SEC (and Texas to win it all), but early appearances indicate the the Bulldogs will underperform yet again.

Yes, Tennessee would have been a good pick too, but I don't want to see UT and Snitch-mer do well. Even though Auburn is considered our biggest rival, I'm to the point where I'd rather beat Tennessee if I had to choose.

Trigonometry refactored?

This afternoon on #perl, the topic was "Trig refactored to remove sin/cos/tan" with a pointer to the upcoming Divine Proportions: Rational Trigonometry to Universal Geometry by N J Wildberger.

The introduction makes an ambitious claim:

Rational trigonometry deals with many practical problems in an easier and more elegant fashion than classical trigonometry, and often ends up with answers that are demonstrably more accurate. In fact rational trigonometry is so elementary that almost all calculations may be done by hand. Tables or calculators are not necessary, although the latter certainly speed up computations. It is a shame that this theory was not discovered earlier, since accurate tables were for many centuries not widely available.

Because rational trigonometry uses only arithmetic and algebra, it allows the development of Euclidean geometry in a consistent and general way in an arbitrary field. This is universal geometry.

Emphasis Wildberger's, not mine. I look forward to reading more!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Processing lines in a TextBox

Below is a simple example of processing all lines in a TextBox:
    public static void WriteFile(string path, string contents)
      using (StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(path))

    public static void LineByLine(TextReader reader)
      Console.WriteLine("input type = " + reader.GetType());

      int n = 1;
      string line;
      while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
        Console.WriteLine(n++ + ". [" + line + "]");

    static void Main(string[] args)
      string text =
        "The quick\n" +
        "brown fox jumped over\n" +
        "the lazy dog.";

      string path = "foo.txt";
      WriteFile(path, text);
      using (StreamReader streamr = new StreamReader(path))

      TextBox textbox = new TextBox();
      textbox.Text = text;
      using (StringReader stringr = new StringReader(textbox.Text))